Samurai Toroidal Killer Sudoku Pro 13-grid
Samurai Toroidal 13-grid Killer Sudoku Pro puzzle
Now this is a puzzle I can state with confidence that you won’t have seen before. It’s a Killer Sudoku Pro puzzle – i.e. a Killer Sudoku with -, x and / regions too; but more than that it’s a Samurai Killer Sudoku Pro made out of 13 grids; and then further still the cages are toroidal, both around the edge of the grid and across the gaps. In other words, the Killer Sudoku Pro regions aren’t bounded by the actual physical layout of the 13-grids – they either jump the gap (in a straight line) or wrap around the edges of the puzzle (again in a straight line, albeit one that jumps to the other side!).
If you like huge puzzles then you should really enjoy this, assuming you can print it out large enough to actually have a chance of solving it! For everyone else, I’ll post some more smaller puzzles soon! It’s not actually very difficult, logically, but completing the whole thing would still take a fair while – perhaps a couple of hours, I think.
The rules are:
- Place 1-9 into each row, column and 3×3 bold-lined box of each of the 13 underlying 9×9 Sudoku grids
- Place numbers into each dashed-line cage so that all together they give the total at the top-left of the cage once the given operation is applied – for subtraction and division start with the largest number in the cage and then subtract/divide-by the other numbers.
- Numbers can not be repeated in a cage.
- Some cages continue across the gaps – just use an imaginary straight-line rule to follow them on and find the rest of the cage (so for example if a cage runs across a gap in the 3rd row down, it continues on the other side of the gap also on the 3rd row down)
- Some cages continue across the edges of the grid – these wrap around to the same row or column on the opposite side of the puzzle
If you try it: Good Luck!
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about 15 years ago
Well, that was a marathon, but I finally got this one completed! As you said, not TOO difficult, but still quite time consuming. I didn’t time myself but it was definitely over the two hours. I really enjoy these large puzzles.
about 15 years ago
I’m very impressed! I didn’t think anyone would actually complete the entire thing!
Did you print it out over several pages and stick them together, or do you have a giant printer?
about 15 years ago
I printed it out on normal A4 paper but enlarged it at work onto A3. That and a good pair of reading glasses did the trick!!!
about 15 years ago
I printed this thing out on normal 8.5×11 paper and completed it in a whole bunch of hours.
I didn’t time myself either, but it was certainly more than two hours for me too!
I love these big puzzles as well, and this one was certainly no exception. It wasn’t too hard to figure out once I got going and learned the common multipliers and such. Just took forever, as mentioned.
about 15 years ago
Got it.
I was listening to podcasts while working on it and had to stop a couple of times because I was getting headaches from the print being small on A4.
Same problem with the Samurais in the local papers. They make them tiny in print to save space so I have to blow them up in a paint program and print them out, otherwise I feel like I am making mistakes from the squares being so small.