about 11 years ago - Comments Off
Sum-Skyscraper 5×5 puzzleI made this puzzle just before Christmas, and it’s been waiting on my desktop to be posted here ever since! Well, now it finally has been.
This is a Sum Skyscraper. Place the digits 1 to 5 once each into every row and column in the grid. Numbers outside the grid provide More >
about 11 years ago - Comments Off
Following-up yesterday’s Skyscraper puzzles, I thought I’d post a couple of Sum Skyscraper variant puzzles.
Sum Skyscraper 6×6 puzzle
Sum Skyscraper 5×5 puzzle
Sum Skyscraper puzzles are very similar to Skyscraper puzzles, so no number can repeat in any row or column and external ’skyscraper’ clues reveal information about the numbers in the main grid. In 5×5 puzzles More >
about 11 years ago - Comments Off
I haven’t posted here for a while, but to celebrate the advent of reduced-clue skyscraper puzzles on PuzzleMix.com earlier today I thought I’d post a few Skyscraper puzzles here.
Skyscraper 5×5 2 puzzle
Skyscraper 5×5 1 puzzle
Skyscraper puzzles combine the no-repeat row and column constraints of sudoku with novel additional clues. In these 5×5 puzzles, place the More >
about 12 years ago - 1 comment
Sudoku Non-consecutive-diagonal 9×9 1 puzzleThis is a non-consecutive-diagonal sudoku puzzle. No digit may be diagonally-adjacent to a consecutive digit. But as you can see from the givens, consecutive numbers can be adjacent horizontally or vertically. What you can’t have, for example, is a 1 diagonally next to a 2 because the 1 & 2 are More >
about 12 years ago - Comments Off
Sudoku Snake 9×9 1 puzzleHere’s something a little different – a consecutive snake sudoku.
Each of the shaded snakes consists of only ‘consecutive’ cells along its length, which means that any two cells joined by a snake must have values with a difference of 1, such as 2&3 or 7&8. So for example the 4-square-long snake More >
about 12 years ago - Comments Off
Non-consecutive Sudoku puzzleI’m currently working on a new book of sudoku variants for a major publisher, so have been making lots of new puzzles of different types. From time to time I’ll probably post again here with some examples of these.
I thought I’d start off with Non-Consecutive Sudoku. This is a minor variant on Consecutive More >
about 13 years ago - Comments Off
I’ve just added Skyscraper puzzle support to Puzzlemix. Hop on over if you’d like to try playing Skyscraper puzzles online!
This means that there are now 16 different types of puzzle on the site, plus a variety of sizes for each of those puzzle types.
about 15 years ago - 2 comments
Consecutive Skyscraper puzzle
It’s been a while since I posted a new puzzle here, what with all the excitement about Sudoku Xtra magazine, so I thought I had better do something about that right now! So to that end, here’s something a little bit unusual – a Consecutive Skyscraper puzzle.
Now Consecutive Skyscraper may sound like a More >
about 15 years ago - 3 comments
Wrap-around Consecutive Samurai Star puzzle
I seem to be posting more infrequently than I intend, so I thought I’d compensate with a puzzle that would take somewhat longer to complete! Here, then, is a wrap-around consecutive samurai star. All squares with consecutive values (a difference of 1) are marked with white bars, including those at opposite More >
about 15 years ago - 1 comment
Consecutive 12×12 Sudoku puzzle
After a bit of a break to meet a major book deadline – the non-consecutive part of the title of this posting – I’m back with what seems to be one of the most popular types of puzzle, a Consecutive Sudoku. I wanted something a little bit different, though, so this is More >
about 15 years ago
This was a lovely puzzle, although as with some of the other combinations, the addition of the consecutive markers meant you didn’t need too many of the skyscraper clues.
about 15 years ago
I had fun doing this one.
I am working on a notation where I check the skyscraper clues (after sharking for 8s and 7s) and if I notice a row/column where all of the buildings have to be in ascending order, I’ll write in the greater than signs between the lines like futoshiki. This also helps when I know there has to be a gap in the order when only 2 boxes are left in the view.
This helped with the pinwheel in the upper left, and I completed the puzzle in such a quick time that I went back to make sure I didn’t make any mistakes with consecutiveness.
I really do like these because it is a change from the usual ones you see in magazines.
about 14 years ago
Thanks for this puzzle. It combine both of my favorite type.