Number Link, Link, Link, Link
Numberlink 10×10 puzzle 2 (fixed)
Numberlink 10×10 puzzle 1
When I first tried a Number link puzzle a few years back I didn’t like it at all – it wasn’t immediately clear how to go about solving it, and I didn’t see how I’d ever find it fun. However jump forward to now and I find them really enjoyable, perhaps because it usually is hard to know how to solve them and so you need some fresh thinking each time you try one.
It’s not the only puzzle I’ve had this experience with. There’s a box-shading puzzle called Heyawake that I found horribly mechanical and tedious when I first tried one, probably because at that point I could only tackle the easy ones and so mainly I got stuck when I failed to spot where I could directly apply a solving rule. However a couple of years ago I tried it again and it soon turned into one of my absolute favourites, although it hasn’t quite pushed Nurikabe off its crown of being my personal number one.
Numberlink 10×10 puzzle 4
Numberlink 10×10 puzzle 3
It works in reverse too, however. I used to really enjoy Filomino puzzles, but now I mostly find them rather dull – I think that once you get good at certain puzzles you hit a natural wall in difficulty where making them any trickier without requiring what is essentially just guesswork is a real challenge, so you find most puzzles mostly easy. In a great puzzle (like Sudoku), you’ll always find some puzzles tricky no matter how knowledgeable you get, but not all puzzle types behave so gracefully.
The point of all this is that Number link is one of those puzzles that – for me at least – always presents a challenge, and makes me think anew each time I try one. And because it can be infuriatingly tricky it’s also capable of giving me a great deal of satisfaction when I do solve a puzzle.
The Number link examples I’ve posted so far have been pretty easy, so I thought I’d post a few more that were a bit harder. All of these have at least a couple of obvious moves, so it’s certainly possible to make trickier 10×10 puzzles than these, but they do present at least a bit more of a challenge. I’ve arranged them by what I considered increasing order of difficulty, but you may disagree, depending upon how inspired you are as you tackle each puzzle!
The rules are simple: connect each number to its identical partner using only horizontal and vertical lines. Only one line may pass through a square, so lines cannot cross or overlap. There is only one solution. In all of these puzzles the unique solution also uses every square. Both of these last two facts are very useful in narrowing down possible solutions! Take a look at my previous posting for an example solution.
Good luck!
Edit: The first version of this post included a puzzle (number 2) that had lots of different solutions that didn’t use all squares – I’ve now replaced it with an alternative puzzle. See comments.
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about 15 years ago
These puzzles were enjoyable, but I still kind of feel ho-hum about them. Not too taxing ( yet
). It may be because I grew up around too many bad wallpaper design patterns and used to play this puzzle game when I was bored.
BTW- I believe that puzzle 2 has more than one solution. To test this, do all of the links but the 7 and 8 and you will see that those can be completed in different ways.
As for loop puzzles, I really enjoyed the Yajilin that was in Sudoku Pro #42, thanks for that one!
about 15 years ago
Oops – you’re quite right about puzzle 2. I’ve replaced it with a different one. Sorry about that – my software told me it had multiple solutions but (currently) it still outputs a PDF anyway, and I clearly wasn’t paying attention last night! I did solve it myself first, but through force of habit I quickly drew in the (single) solution that used all squares. However as you correctly point out, there were lots of alternatives that didn’t. (I’m glad it was me being dopey, not a bug in my software!)
It’s definitely possible to make trickier 10×10 puzzles as I said, but if you really want to up the difficulty then take a look at what I’m about to post today…
about 15 years ago
I really enjoyed doing these puzzles for a change although I’m not sure how my solving technique would stand up to harder puzzles! (I’m afraid the toroidal one you’ve posted is beyond me!). I started off in pen with where I could logically see lines had to begin, and then began to draw probable lines in pencil, altering when I realised I had blocked a number in. Not the most logical way of solving perhaps, but it worked!!